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About Member Registration

All you need for SoundQuest registration is your email address, and registering/using the website are completely free. Logged-in members have access to the following:

  • Take tests on theory in the “Gateways”
  • Bookmark articles and access them from the sidebar
  • Modify certain display settings, such as fonts, from the settings
  • Post and view attachment files on the Forum

This site is separate from the Japanese version ( in terms of its system. If you wish to access the members-only articles on, you need to register as a member on that domain.

Reason for Email Address Requirement

The reason for requiring an email address for registration is to use it for confirmation, password reset emails, and notifications for new posts on the bulletin board that you set up. Without the registrant’s consent, there will be no delivery of notifications, news, etc. More details regarding the handling of personal information can be found in the Privacy Policy page.

Account Deletion

The created account can be deleted at any time by the user without requiring approval from the administration. This can be done through the account settings page.