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Is there any plan to maybe add articles explaining production techniques?

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    • oxoplasmaP @oxokon

      <p><p>I want to learn how to produce genres like EDM & Dubstep well, while the composition is not too hard for me but I still struggle a lot on things like sound design. If it’s not possible (or is too unrelated to the point of the site) I’d like to know if there’s good ways (or good resources) to improve at production fast! Thank you~ ✨</p></p>

      • This topic was modified 9 months, 1 week ago by oxoplasmaP.
      • This topic was modified 9 months, 1 week ago by oxoplasmaP.
        yuta @yuta

        Hi, basically, this site deals with the three classic elements of music: melody, harmony, and rhythm. It doesn’t cover sound production for specific genres. While I do have ambitions to systematically introduce knowledge in areas like sound design, arrangement, and mixing, that will be further down the line.

        When it comes to EDM sound production, I believe YouTube tutorials are the strongest resource. Many aspects, such as sidechain routing, differ between DAWs, so gaining knowledge by watching videos that show the actual DAW workflow is the most efficient method in my opinion.

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