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C-III: Encompass Chord Types Archives - SoundQuest Skip to main content

C-III: Encompass Chord Types

C-III: Encompass Chord Types

Nexuses in Non-Prime Chords

Entering Chapter II-III, new chords other than the prime chords, namely "non-prime chords", have been introduced. In this article, we will explain how to apply nexus theory to non-prime chords. 1. Review of Nexus Theory First, let's revisit the characteristics of each nexus: Nexus Meaning Characteristics 2nd up/down Gentle and smooth, rich in color 5th up Clear propulsive force, distinctive…
March 22, 2024
C-III: Encompass Chord Types

Applications of Half Diminished Seventh

Session Overview This time you learn new chord usages. I will explain the half-diminished chord once again, delving into some advanced aspects that I couldn't cover in the initial explanation of this chord. Keywords: half diminished seventh, rootless voicing In a recent article, I explained the concept of the chords. Additionally, in the , I introduced that the seventh chord…
June 8, 2024
C-III: Encompass Chord Types

Ninth Chords

Session Overview This time you learn new chord names. Adding more notes to the seventh chord to further complicate the sound. This is a continuation of the use of "tensions" discussed in Chapter I. Here, we will introduce the addition of the highly versatile 9th. Keywords: ninth chords, tension chords, add9 chords 1. Revisiting Tension Chords In the article ""…
May 5, 2024
C-III: Encompass Chord Types

Sixth Chords

Session Overview This time you learn new chord names. We've already learned about seventh chords, where we added the seventh notes. Now, let's add the sixth notes. Keywords: sixth chords, tetrad 1. Sixth Chords A chord consisting of three tones is a triad, and a chord consisting of four tones is a tetrad. And when it comes to tetrads, the…
April 4, 2024
C-III: Encompass Chord Types

Slash Chords (3) Hybrid Chords

Session Overview This time you learn chord arranging. The final episode of "slash Chords". For the last installment, I'll introduce a somewhat unconventional technique, showcasing a slightly modern approach. Keywords: slash chords, hybrid chords 1. What is a Hybrid Chord? Now, in the first session of slash chords, I explained the concept of "inversion", where one of the chord tones…
May 16, 2024
C-III: Encompass Chord Types

Slash Chords (2) Pedal Point

Session Overview This time you learn chord arranging. Continuing from the previous discussion, we're gonna explore the usage of "slash chords". This time, we'll delve into a technique that is both highly practical and impactful, providing you with valuable insights. Keywords: slash chords, pedal point In the previous session, we covered the technique of "inversions", altering the sound balance by…
May 16, 2024
C-III: Encompass Chord Types

Slash Chords (1) Inversion

Session Overview This time you learn chord arranging. Without relying on complex chords involving sharps/flats, a simple arrangement technique can significantly expand your expressive range. In this session, we'll explore such handy techniques. Keywords: slash chords, chord inversions In Chapter I, we discussed the importance of the bass playing the root note. Without doing so, the sound of the chord…
May 5, 2024
C-III: Encompass Chord Types

Summary of Transformed Chords

Over the past few sessions, I introduced a variety of new chords derived from major/minor chords. This time I'm gonna again summarize them. Each session primarily focused on introducing their practical use, but here, we'll compare the chord components, variation in chord symbols and alternative names. 1. Reviewing Chord Components First, let's review the chords we introduced. Triads These variation…
June 8, 2024
C-III: Encompass Chord Types

Diminished Seventh Chords

Session Overview This time you learn new chord names. A chord with unique tonal characteristics and sound, its usage is limited, yet it possesses various distinctive features and holds high significance in music theory. Keywords: diminished seventh, auxiliary diminished seventh 1. Diminished Seventh A little while back, I introduced a chord "Minor Flat-Fifth". Its is lower than usual, which is…
May 5, 2024
C-III: Encompass Chord Types

Sus4 and Sus2

Session Overview This time you learn new chord names. We will alter the of a chord to achieve new chords. Keywords: sus4, sus2, diatonic to the key 1. Moving the 3rd So far, we've covered altering the of chords. Next, let's consider adjusting the middle note, the , of the triad. That's the idea. It involves creating formations such as…
January 7, 2024