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Nexus System

Nexus System

Summary and Conclusion

1. Review of Nexus Systems Now, up to this point, we have examined the characteristics of each nexus. Nexus Features Gentle and smooth, yet rich in color Clear driving force, characteristic Clear driving force and easy to listen to Minimal tone change, unique sense of floating up Minimal tone change and stable Understanding the differences in the impressions allows you…
June 3, 2024
Nexus System

Nexus Preferences by Genres

Now, we've covered all nexuses within prime chords. And during the course you've seen that some nexuses are preferred in some genres while in others not, or some nexuses are avoided in some genres while popular in other genres. So this time I'm gonna review nexuses categorized not by 2nd/3rd/5th , but by music genres, to see how differently each…
June 24, 2024
Nexus System

Nexus by 3rd Up

Alright, we've finally made it to the explanation of the last one to go, . is unique with its strangely unsettled, floaty feeling, referred to as bringing a "soft effect" Piston, Walter. Harmony(p.18). "A contrast to this is the very soft effect of moving to a triad on a root a third above.". In classical music it's not commonly used…
June 3, 2024
Nexus System

Nexus by 3rd Down

We've covered 2nd and 5th nexuses, and now the only one left is the 3rd. Let's first look at its properties common to both ascending and descending. 2. Characteristics of 3rd Nexus When connecting chords with a 3rd interval, the most distinctive feature is that there are 2 common tones. While 2nd nexuses have no common tones, and 5th nexuses…
June 3, 2024
Nexus System

Nexus by 5th Up

In the previous session we discussed nexus. Now, let's take a look at the reverse, the nexus. This group has one "once prohibited" progression,{V}→{IIm}, which I'll explain later. 1. Characteristics of the 5th Up Progression As mentioned in the previous explanation, the 5th nexus involves a significant movement in root and a change in two of the chord tones, making…
June 3, 2024
Nexus System

Nexus by 5th Down

Last time I introduced the smooth nexus. We have 3rd and 5th left to explain and I'm gonna explain 5th first, for it is more crucial in constructing popular music. 1. Significance of 5th Nexus The 5th progression can be considered the most vital within the network of chord progressions. This is because it is always 5th intervals that appears…
June 2, 2024
Nexus System

Nexus by 2nd Up/Down

Now, let's look into the details of individual nexus patterns. 1. Nexus by 2nd The 2nd nexus involves the smallest motion in root changes, providing a smooth and gentle impression. On the other hand, as all the chord tones are replaced, the change of harmonic color is strong. It's a very user-friendly nexus pattern—Just go to adjacent chords without much…
May 18, 2024
Nexus System

Nexus System ❷Classification

In the previous session, we explained the general overview of the concept of chord 'nexus'. The musical ideas brought about by the connection of two chords become even clearer when analyzed through two 'control factors': the change in the root and the change in chord quality, in addition to the TDS functional theory. While you've already got a basic understanding…
May 4, 2024
Nexus System

Nexus System : The Control Factors

1. From Six to Thirty Now with the functional theory of , you have a good overview for the patterns of chord progressions. The possible patterns of connecting count up to six and understanding the differences between each one gives you hints of how to develop a chord progression. But even within the motions of -, {IV}→{V} and {IIm}→{V} surely…
April 7, 2023