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Usage of Root Shell

By March 28th, 2024M-II: Vertical View

Let’s review the previous session. It goes like this: The impression of a melodic tone is greatly defined by in-chord degree, the relative position to the chord root. And Each degree has its unique character.


So, I named this somewhat vague nature “shell” and discussed the need to analyze them properly. Let’s start by looking at the usage of Root Shell, where the melody is positioned at the very chord root.

1. Characteristics of the Root Shell

Here is an example of a melody line created primarily around Rt. I always set Rt note on the head of the chord changes.

As noted in the previous comparison, it has a very powerful, straightforward sound. The root forms the foundation of the chord and most clearly reflects the fundamental chord sound. The characteristics of the Root Shell are powerful, straight, robust, simple, and unembellished.

Despite being the fundamental element as the root note, this Root Shell paradoxically requires careful consideration in its usage. In contrast to notes like 3rd or 7th that can add color to the sound, Rt remains tottaly simple and plain. As a result, its sound can tend to be relatively bland. Especially since in most parts of a composition the bass plays the root as well, Root Shell melodies end up unison with it. This causes the root note to dominate and stand out too much, resulting in an imbalanced sound. Therefore, it is desirable to use it in situations where its simpleness can shine.

2. Examples of Root Shell

Let’s take a look at some examples where root shells are effectively utilized.

Hot Chelle Rae – Tonight Tonight

Hot Chelle Rae - Tonight Tonight (Official Video)

In this bright and lively song, the recurring “la la la” part almost entirely consists of root shells, where the bassline and melody align in unison. This is a classic way of using root shells, creating supremely catchy and straightforward music without unnecessary embellishments. It might not have the sophistication of jazz, but it exudes a unique energy, doesn’t it?

Adele / Rolling in the Deep

Adele - Rolling in the Deep (Official Music Video)

The passionate beginning of the chorus, “We could have had it all,” features a long note that becomes a simple Rt shell aligned with the VIm chord. Especially in the second round, “You had my heart inside of your hand / And you played it,” the song continuously emphasizes the Rt for VIm, V, and IV.

This song, despite being a breakup song, doesn’t wallow in sadness but rather expresses anger, making it an unusual theme. Therefore, a melody based on Rt shell is the perfect choice, as it can prevent the melody from getting needlessly rich and elegant. It goes straight to the point without any detours, delivering a powerful punch to the listener’s heart.

The Robots / Kraftwerk

Kraftwerk - The Robots (live) [HD]

Kraftwerk, the pioneers of techno, known for their eccentric live performances featuring robots on stage. Here is one of their signature songs, “The Robots”.
The vocals begin at 1:03, and the melody is almost entirely in unison with the bassline. Representing the emotionless existence of robots through music, using a melody line that hardly moves from the root is a perfect choice for eliminating emotional senses and conveying the concept effectively.

Heartbreaker / Led Zeppelin

This sample is from the bridge section, where the guitar, bass, and melody all unite in unison to play the riff. The straightness of “this riff is dope, so let’s all stick to this line” is excellent. Melody playing the riff in unison is one of the popular in pattern in rock muisic and you can occasionally find this style in rock songs.

This directness is a unique characteristic of the root shell that can’t be done by any other shells.

You now can see that root shell has a great impact by virtue of its simplicity. Moreover, it often results in overlapping phrases with the bass or guitar, making it suitable for creating vibes of rock and punk.

While 3rd shell and 7th shell are rich and attractive, they can’t be as powerful as root shell. Just like with chords, each shell has its own personality and role.

As we proceed to understand the 3rd, 5th, and 7th shells, things will get even more fascinating. Let’s move forward😇


  • Root shell is characterized by being powerful, straightforward, and simple.
  • It tends to have an imbalance in the acoustic power balance since it aligns with the bass note in unison. It’s advisable to make the most of this characteristic.
