Reply to: Bug Report Thread
oxoplasmaP @oxokon
<p><p><p>Hi! I’m happy that I could be the first to reply! I believe I found another error in Parallel Minor Chords (1) Page 2.<br />In the text “This chord shares a similarity with IVm in that it has [lab], and sometimes it can create a similar atmosphere” [lab] seems not to be shown as a chord, or is it terminology I’m not familiar with?</p><br /><br />Also for some reason whenever I submit my reply or make a topic it suddenly contains HTML elements like “<p>” and “<br/>,” I’m only using the basic reply functions so I’m unsure why this is happening.</p></p>
- This reply was modified 6 months ago by oxoplasmaP.
- This reply was modified 6 months ago by oxoplasmaP.