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Diatonic Chords

C-III: Encompass Chord Types

Minor Flat Fifth (Diminished) Chords

Session Overview This time you learn new chord names. We will revisit the explanation of VIIm(♭5) omitted in Chapter I. Keywords: flat fifth, diatonic chords, secondary dominants 1. The VII Chord Well, apart from the major/minor chords, there is one chord that should be introduced as soon as possible. It is a chord that does not require any ♯/♭ accidentals.…
May 5, 2024
C-I: Basic System

Prime Chords (1)

1. Basic Chord Structure In the previous section you studied the minimal harmonic structure; two tones harmony. But in practice, 3 tones or more are stacked regularly. It's interesting to explore combinations! But there are so many combinations available that some guidelines to narrow down the candidates will help you. That's what music theory does. Along the Scale, Skewer Like…
June 30, 2024