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M-II: Vertical View

Conduct K/S Analysis

1. Supplementary Analysis This session is a little supplement—Do you remember the piano piece I showed in the introductory chapter, aiming for a quiet and cold atmosphere, inspired by "Day One" from the movie Intersteller? Title: "The Silent Planet - Uranus" In the article, this was labeled as "CRAP", and it was stated, "From a theoretical perspective, you can find…
April 30, 2024
M-I: Horizontal View

Kernel Function

1. Kernel Function Now that you've learned tone tendencies and resolution patterns, you're starting to see the mechanism of melody making. The seven tones ------ have distinct characters within a key, unique to each other. Through the chord part you'll learn that chords also have "roles" in a key. So do melodies; is the boss of the key, is a…
May 12, 2024