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Minor Flat Five

C-III: Encompass Chord Types

Summary of Transformed Chords

Over the past few sessions, I introduced a variety of new chords derived from major/minor chords. This time I'm gonna again summarize them. Each session primarily focused on introducing their practical use, but here, we'll compare the chord components, variation in chord symbols and alternative names. 1. Reviewing Chord Components First, let's review the chords we introduced. Triads These variation…
June 8, 2024
C-III: Encompass Chord Types

Minor Flat Fifth (Diminished) Chords

Session Overview This time you learn new chord names. We will revisit the explanation of VIIm(♭5) omitted in Chapter I. Keywords: flat fifth, diatonic chords, secondary dominants 1. The VII Chord Well, apart from the major/minor chords, there is one chord that should be introduced as soon as possible. It is a chord that does not require any ♯/♭ accidentals.…
May 5, 2024