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Minor Seventh Flat Five

C-III: Encompass Chord Types

Applications of Half Diminished Seventh

Session Overview This time you learn new chord usages. I will explain the half-diminished chord once again, delving into some advanced aspects that I couldn't cover in the initial explanation of this chord. Keywords: half diminished seventh, rootless voicing In a recent article, I explained the concept of the chords. Additionally, in the , I introduced that the seventh chord…
June 8, 2024
C-III: Encompass Chord Types

Summary of Transformed Chords

Over the past few sessions, I introduced a variety of new chords derived from major/minor chords. This time I'm gonna again summarize them. Each session primarily focused on introducing their practical use, but here, we'll compare the chord components, variation in chord symbols and alternative names. 1. Reviewing Chord Components First, let's review the chords we introduced. Triads These variation…
June 8, 2024