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C-III: Encompass Chord Types

Nexuses in Non-Prime Chords

Entering Chapter II-III, new chords other than the prime chords, namely "non-prime chords", have been introduced. In this article, we will explain how to apply nexus theory to non-prime chords. 1. Review of Nexus Theory First, let's revisit the characteristics of each nexus: Nexus Meaning Characteristics 2nd up/down Gentle and smooth, rich in color 5th up Clear propulsive force, distinctive…
March 22, 2024
Nexus System

Nexus System ❷Classification

In the previous session, we explained the general overview of the concept of chord 'nexus'. The musical ideas brought about by the connection of two chords become even clearer when analyzed through two 'control factors': the change in the root and the change in chord quality, in addition to the TDS functional theory. While you've already got a basic understanding…
May 4, 2024