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Key and Key Signature

1. Key It is explained before that all the instruments should (basically) play the same scale in a scene of a song. To designate a scale, we have another term : . When a song is made mainly with C major scale, we say like... This song is in the key of C major. Saying that "This song is C…
June 11, 2024

Mechanism of Scales (2)Transposition

1. All That Matters is Step In the previous section you saw the mechanism of scales; The arrangement of whole tone and semitone determines the basic sound character of a scale. Step structure is the definitive factor for its sound, which means that you can construct major scale from any note as the center. You may have practiced singing like…
June 9, 2024

Mechanism of Scales (1)Tone and Semitone

1. The Mechanism Reviewing the previous section; A scale is a collection of tones. One of the scale members works as a captain, which is called the tonal center(T.C.). So even when the members are identical, the mood a scale produces may differ according to which note acts as the center. "C Major Scale" "A Minor Scale" But....Isn't it strange?…
June 11, 2024

Major Scale and Minor Scale

1. Tones and a Scale Western music theory is built on the basis of twelve tones, as represented by the piano keyboard. These are like "colored pencils", with which you paint music. you don't necessarily use all the 12 tones to write a song. Especially in loop-style music, the same tone is used over and over again, to create a…
May 26, 2024