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M-I: Horizontal View

M-I: Horizontal View

Pitch Structure in Rap Flow

1. Rap as Melody So far we've discussed and analyzed many types of melodies but...I have to admit that I didn't pick up any rap music as references at all because "flow" in rap is far more complicated than traditional melodies. Music sheet or piano roll is based on the premise that an octave consists of just 12 tones, but…
June 21, 2024
M-I: Horizontal View

Range Segmentation

In the you learned kernels, the characteristics of tones. That was a very micro level of analyzing music. This time we're gonna go back to a macro perspective again. 1. Allocation of Vocal Range In songwriting, people tend to expand melodies larger and larger. you somehow feel like climbing up a scale on and on, the range of a melody…
December 6, 2023
M-I: Horizontal View

Kernel Function

1. Kernel Function Now that you've learned tone tendencies and resolution patterns, you're starting to see the mechanism of melody making. The seven tones ------ have distinct characters within a key, unique to each other. Through the chord part you'll learn that chords also have "roles" in a key. So do melodies; is the boss of the key, is a…
May 12, 2024
M-I: Horizontal View

Convergence or Divergence of Melody

In the you learned that a key or a scale has a "center", a note that can evoke the sense of home, rest or landing, which is called a tonal center. This time we further discuss how a melody moves around the center. 1. Distance from Center In constructing the story of a melody line, reaching the tonal center is…
November 1, 2023
M-I: Horizontal View

Tone Tendencies in Major Key

In the article "" you learned that and has strong tone tendencies. In this article we'll see all the seven notes. 1. Stable/Unstable Notes First, The seven notes ------ are devided into two categories, namely, and , based on its stability. (more…)
April 27, 2024
M-I: Horizontal View

Rhythmic Placement of Melodies

So far we've focused mainly on the vertical aspect of melodies—pitches. This time we'll discuss the horizontal placement of melodies. 1. Who Leads the Way? The timeline of a song is divided by the unit "bar" and "beat"If you don't know these terms, please read the article "" in Rhythm Chapter.I.. And There are 3 forms of the timings where…
October 31, 2023
M-I: Horizontal View

Exploring Scales

In you learned pentatonic scales. This time I'm gonna introduce some more scale variations. 1. Omit-4 Scales The pentatonic scales rule out delicate expressions by removing tendency tones, resulting in dry, cheerful and muscular taste. But with tones limited, the possible patterns of phrases are also limited; It can easily fall into cookie-cutter melodies. Considering that, a customized version of…
June 12, 2024
M-I: Horizontal View

Pentatonic Scales

In the you saw that the step between - and - is half-step away to each other so their connections are smoother than the others. And we saw some examples using half-step motion. 1. Major Pentatonic Scale Now, what if you eliminate the two tendency tones? There's a scale with no half-step (no and ): a . The scale has…
May 16, 2024
M-I: Horizontal View

Tendency Tones

1. Whole-step or Half-step In the article , We categorized melodic motion into two : step or skip. And you listened to many samples of "skip" motion like 5th, 6th, 7th or octave leaps. But when you have a closer look at "step" motion, it also has further variations—Whole-step or half-step progression. The steps between - and - are semitone,…
June 16, 2024
M-I: Horizontal View

Tonic Solfa

We are starting to have a closer look at melodies. We discussed 2 tones connection in and we'll soon talk about the characteristics of a single tone. But we have a serious problem left...We don't have any names for each tone yet. 1. Relative Names Names? You're kidding? We have ABC. Yes, but No at the same time because ABC…
April 24, 2024