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Quality Change

C-II: Add, Omit, Borrow

Secondary Dominants

Session Overview This time you learn new non-prime chords. Here, we'll incorporate chords that haven't been covered yet by using accidentals (♯/♭). In this session, prior knowledge of Melody Chapter I is assumed. If you are not familiar with concepts such as the or , please review the Melody Chapter. Keywords: secondary dominants, dominant resolution, tritone In the previous session,…
May 27, 2024
C-I: Basic System

Quality Change

From chapter II, you'll learn more chords other than six prime chords. But you may plan to finish studying at chapter I. Then, All that you get is just these six chords...which is a bit insipid. So I pick up some useful chords from later chapters and briefly introduce them. In later chapters I'll explain them again in detail, including…
May 25, 2024