Index Glossary
The index of terminologies explained in the text. Click a word and you’ll be navigated to the list of articles related to it. Since much of the contents has not yet been translated, most of the terms has no articles…Please google instead🥺
Terms with asterisk [*] are the ones advocated in LMT (=Words not commonly used outside the website).
Chord (General)
Alteration(1) Altered Tension(0) Arpeggio(1) Available Tension(0) Avoid Note(0) Cancel Alteration*(0) Chord(3) Chord Name(1) Chord Quality(1) Chord Tone(1) Circle of Fifths(2) Diatonic Tension(0) Diatonic to the Key(1) Eigentone*(0) Function(1) Guide Tone(1) Harmony (Classical)(0) Modal Interchange(2) Mode Change(0) Monosemy*(0) Non-Chord Tone(1) Plagal Function(0) Polysemy(0) Predominant Function(0) Reharmonize(1) Riff(1) Root(3) Substitution(1)
Chord Names
add9(1) Augmented(3) Augmented Major Seventh(1) Augmented Seventh(1) Augmented Sixth Chord(1) Blackadder Chord(1) Chord of Six-Four(0) Chord of the Sixth(0) Diminished(2) Diminished Seventh(2) Dominant Ninth(0) Dominant Seventh(2) Eleventh Chord(0) Flat Five(1) Half Diminished Seventh(3) Major Chord(1) Major Seventh(1) Minor Chord(1) Minor Flat Five(2) Minor Major Seventh(3) Minor Seventh(1) Minor Seventh Flat Five(2) Mystic Chord(0) Neapolitan Chord(0) Neapolitan Sixth(0) Ninth Chord(1) Power Chord(1) Seventh Chord(2) Sharp Five(1) Sixth Chord(1) sus2(1) sus4(1) Thirteenth Chord(0) Tristan Chord(0)
Chord Category
Accidental Chord(0) Added Tone Chord(1) Borrowed Chord(1) Chromatic Mediant(1) Diatonic Chords(2) Diatonic Seventh Chords(0) Double Dominant(1) Hybrid Chord(1) Inversion(1) Non-diatonic Chord(4) Parallel Major Chord*(0) Parallel Minor Chord*(3) Pivot Chord(0) Polychord(0) Prime Chords*(3) Quality Change(2) Secondary Dominant(1) Slash Chord(5) Subdominant Minor(0) Substituted Dominant(0) Tension Chord(2) Tetrad(2) Tone Cluster(0) Triad(2) Tritone Substitution(0) Upper Structure(0)
Chord Progression
Bartokean Pseudo Cadence(0) Cadence(2) Chord Progression(1) Coltrane Changes(0) Contiguous ii-V(0) Control Factors*(1) Deceptive Cadence(1) Dominant Pedal(1) Dominant Resolution(1) Extended Dominants(0) Half Cadence(1) Harmonic Rhythm(1) ii-V(1) Line Cliche(0) Nexus*(2) Passing Diminished(0) Pedal Point(1) Picardy Cadence(1) Prograde Function*(1) Prohibited Motion(4) Related IIm(0) Resolution(5) Retrograde Function*(1) Root Motion(1) Soprano Pedal(1) The Pachelbel progression(0) Tonic Pedal(1)
Chord Placement
Anacrusis(1) Approach Note(2) Blue Note(1) Chromatic Approach(1) Conflict of Resolution*(0) Even Shell*(0) Harmonic Tendency(1) Horizontal / Vertical Melody*(2) In-Chord Degree*(1) Inherited Resolution*(0) Internal Resolution*(0) Kernel Tendency*(0) Kernel*(2) Liquidation(1) Marked Note*(0) Melodic Tendency(1) Motif(1) Parity*(0) Pickup Notes(1) Range(0) Reshell*(0) Shell Tendency*(0) Shell*(4) Skip Motion(0) Stable Tone(1) Step Motion(0) Stride*(1) Tendency(3) Unstable Tone(1)
Altered Dominant(0) Arabic Scale(0) Blue Note Scale(1) Blues Scale(1) Church Mode(5) Diatonic Diminished Scale(0) Diminished Scale(0) Dominant Diminished Scale(0) Dorian Mode(1) Enigmatic Scale(0) Harmonic Minor Scale(1) Locrian Mode(1) Lydian Mode(1) Major Scale(1) Melodic Minor Scale(1) Minor Scale(3) Mixolydian Mode(1) Natural Minor Scale(1) Neapolitan Minor(0) Omit-4 Scale(1) Pentatonic Scale(1) Phrygian Mode(1) Spanish Eight(1) Whole Tone Scale(1)
16th Note Beats(1) 8th Note Beats(1) Anticipation(1) Attack(1) Back Beat(0) Bars(1) Beat(1) BPM(1) Clave(1) Compound Meter(0) Cross-Rhythm(0) Decay(1) Downbeat(1) Envelope(1) Four on the Floor(1) Ghost Note(1) Half-Time Shuffle(0) Irregular Meter(1) Metre(1) Onbeat/Offbeat(1) Polymeter(0) Polyrhythm(0) Release(1) Shuffle(0) Strong Beat / Weak Beat(1) Subdivision(1) Sustain(1) Swing(0) Syncopation(1) Time(1) Tresillo(1) Upbeat(1)
Tonal Organization
Atonal Music(2) Close Key(1) Common Tone Tonality(0) Distant Key(1) Dominant Key(1) Genus(0) Indefinite Tonality(0) Inertia(1) Key(3) Key Signature(1) Microtunings(1) Modulation(1) Monism in Tonality*(2) Multitonic System(0) Parallel Key(1) Parallel Minor Key(2) Polyphony(0) Polytonality(0) Relative(2) Relative Key(2) Scale(4) Subdominant Key(1) Tonal Center(2) Tonal Gravitation(1) Tonal Schema(1) Tonality(3) Transpose(1)