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Bug Report Thread

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    • yuta @yuta

      Thank you for joining SoundQuest!☺️
      The site is currently in its “beta version” and is in its early stages, so there may be many bugs, such as:

      • Typos and misspellings
      • Image display errors
      • Link errors
      • System errors related to community activities and taking tests on “Gateways”
      • Errors in the theory (not just differences in interpretation based on schools, but obvious mistakes)

      If you encounter any issues, please post them here. I’ll do my best to address them and improve the site.
      The Japanese version of this site has also been refined over several years based on feedback from users like you. I appreciate your collaboration in advance.

        oxoplasmaP @oxokon

        In Pitch Structure in Rap Flow (Part 2) there is no censor on the name of the 3rd song in the table shown, I assume this is unintentional as the song’s name was censored in the before part.

          yuta @yuta

          In Pitch Structure in Rap Flow (Part 2) there is no censor on the name of the 3rd song in the table shown, I assume this is unintentional as the song’s name was censored in the before part.

          Ah, Thanks!! I fixed that part.
          And I’m happy, you’re the first to post a reply on this whole website😄

            oxoplasmaP @oxokon

            <p><p><p>Hi! I’m happy that I could be the first to reply! I believe I found another error in Parallel Minor Chords (1) Page 2.<br />In the text “This chord shares a similarity with IVm in that it has [lab], and sometimes it can create a similar atmosphere” [lab] seems not to be shown as a chord, or is it terminology I’m not familiar with?</p><br /><br />Also for some reason whenever I submit my reply or make a topic it suddenly contains HTML elements like “<p>” and “<br/>,” I’m only using the basic reply functions so I’m unsure why this is happening.</p></p>

            • This reply was modified 9 months, 1 week ago by oxoplasmaP.
            • This reply was modified 9 months, 1 week ago by oxoplasmaP.
              oxoplasmaP @oxokon

              <p><p>I apologize, it seems like the [lab] part was meant to refer to the flat version of a tonic solfa, so it’s not a actual issue. Though I found it not very obvious at first so I think it’d be best to show it in a similar format to chords (where there is an easy to see background behind it) or at least use the actual flat symbol (♭) to make it more clear.</p></p>

              • This reply was modified 9 months, 1 week ago by oxoplasmaP.
                yuta @yuta

                Hi, bracketed words like [mib], [lab] and [tib] are raw codes that were shown mistakenly; they should have been converted to CSS-styled do-re-mi syllables (with an italic Serif font). They’re now fixed!

                fixed text

                As to tags unintentionally shown, I’m still not sure about it since I cannot reproduce that issue on my side.
                I changed some of the settings of the forum regarding allowed HTML tags, so can you please try posting a reply again?

                And I’d like to know if there are tabs for switching Visual/Text editor, and if changing these tabs makes difference.

                I really appreciate your cooperation!🥹

                  oxoplasmaP @oxokon

                  <p><p>Trying to click text does nothing on my end</p></p><p>Also, when both on Microsoft Edge (Windows) and Safari (iOS) it still puts HTML in the text once I submit, so I don’t believe it’s a browser specific issue. I’m wondering if it might be working for you since you’re an administrator and there could be something wrongly configured?</p>

                  • This reply was modified 9 months, 1 week ago by oxoplasmaP.
                    oxoplasmaP @oxokon

                    <p><p>Another thing I noticed on the site is that I get these errors whenever I update my links on my profile, my profile does update regardless of the errors though I have no idea why it says I didn’t enter a password when there’s no password confirmation on the profile edit page. </p><br /><br />Also now the Visual and Text tabs are gone for me, unsure of why that is.</p>

                    • This reply was modified 9 months, 1 week ago by oxoplasmaP.
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                      yuta @yuta

                      Hmm… I apologize for the various issues that have arisen😭
                      I tried turning off the visual/text switch function and updating the plugins, but it seems that didn’t resolve the tag display problem…

                      As for the profile screen,  the errors are occurring due to the various modifications I’ve messed around with. I will continue to investigate solutions for this as well.

                      It’s strange that my dummy accounts posting sample topics are all general accounts without special permissions, and they are not experiencing any issues. If I could reproduce the problem on my end, it would be easier to solve, but since I haven’t been able to do that yet, it might take a little more time.

                      In any case, I appreciate your detailed bug report!

                        AcryoXO2 @acryoxo2

                        In Two Tones Harmony Chapter, there are some typos for 7st and 6st. It should be 7th and 6th instead, the ordering goes like this 1st, 2nd, 3rd. Then every number after 3 will have -th added. For examples, 5th (fifth), 11th (eleventh), etc. English is not my first language but I just want to mention this.

                        Thank you for making this amazing website for free.
                        こんな素晴らしと無料なウェブサイトを作ってくれてありがとうございます! 日本語下手です。

                          yuta @yuta

                          Hi AcryoXO2,
                          Thank you for the report, but the “st” in the article is an abbreviation for “semitones.” It is mentioned earlier in the article, but I think it was easy to miss, so I bolded the text to make it more noticeable!

                          I’m glad you are enjoying my site😇

                            AcryoXO2 @acryoxo2

                            Ahh, I certainly didn’t notice that 😭

                            By the way, does the English translation have the same content as the Japanese site? I noticed some are different like the part about TDS.

                            • This reply was modified 6 months, 1 week ago by AcryoXO2.
                            • This reply was modified 6 months, 1 week ago by AcryoXO2.
                            • This reply was modified 6 months, 1 week ago by AcryoXO2.
                            • This reply was modified 6 months, 1 week ago by AcryoXO2.
                              yuta @yuta

                              Ahh, I certainly didn’t notice that 😭 By the way, does the English translation have the same content as the Japanese site? I noticed some are different like the part about TDS.

                              Yes. The flow of the topics is mostly the same, but the content is quite different. The following points, in particular, are different:

                              -Many examples are taken from Japanese music.
                              -Emphasis is placed on important topics in Japanese music.
                              -Conversely, topics that are not as important in Japanese music have been reduced.

                              In short, the Japanese version is optimized solely for the Japanese music scene, so I don’t think there is any benefit for people from other regions to go out of their way to read it.

                                paige @paige1988

                                thank you so much for this website! im gonna make sure to make use of it as much as i can! <3<3<3<3

                                  yuta @yuta

                                  thank you so much for this website! im gonna make sure to make use of it as much as i can! <3<3<3<3


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